Do the subscription plans automatically renew?

Yes, all of our subscription plans automatically renew at the end of the subscription term until you select to cancel the subscription. If you don’t want your subscription to renew please follow these steps:

Login to your account

Click where it says "Mystery Tackle Box"

Click the 'MORE OPTIONS' link at the bottom of your subscription


Click 'Permanently Stop' and select the 'OK' button to confirm

Once you end your subscription, you won’t be billed anything further.  Please be aware you will still receive the boxes you’ve paid for to complete the term of the subscription.

I’m a previous subscriber, how do I resume my subscription?

Welcome back! You can resume your subscription by following these steps:

SIGN IN to your account

Click where it says "Mystery Tackle Box"

Under where it says "Subscriptions" click the green link that says "Resume Now"

Choose if you want the box to be shipped now or at the beginning of next month

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